salt is made of sea salt roasted in the bamboo. On top of that, yellow
clay is used to cover the opening after the salt is filled in. . The
process of making bamboo salt by heating the combination of the 3
elements in 1000 to 1500 degree of Celsius, making the bamboo salt carry
the benefit of all three. The poisonous mineral in the salt will be
eliminated in this process. In the practice of traditional medicine in
the Oriental, bamboo, salt and yellow clay are known to be effective to
certain illness. Our ancestors learn all this good knowledge through
experience, even though they do not know how to conduct research like modern medicine.
Parched salt has beenused to help in digestive disorder. It also can help to neutralize certain poison in the body, reduce the effect of vomit, diarrhea and others. Bamboo is known to be effective for palsy, diabetes, various kinds of tumors, fever, parasite, vomiting, insomnia, fatigue, pain in an eyeball, brain trouble and manyothers symptom. Yellow clay indirectly adding more mineral to the bamboo salt compound, this make the bamboo salt has more balance in mineral. Modern process has produced salt in a more purified form of Sodium Chloride. This is one reason why people are facing more health problem. A more mineral balanced bamboo salt would be a good substitute that has been long practiced by our ancestors.
Bamboo Salt Beauty Bar (Marine Essence)
Today I’m not going to share with you on testimoni of marine essence beauty bar in healing eczema.But on the natural ingredients in the marine essence beauty bar especially the bamboo salt which really help in healing the eczema and other skin allergies and disease. I did an experiment to know more on what is the content of this magic soap (also known as whitening armpit soap a.k.a sabun ketiak).
To do comparison, i took a portion of marine essence beauty bar and ordinary soap. I put it on metal spoon. I labeled it with X and Y.
I heat them up until both soap melted around 2-3 minutes. When they started to melt…..i was like……
Can you seet it ?? Look at the colour of the soaps!!!!The X turn to black but Y remains (i.e green)
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